Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mengatasi Rayap

Ada bermacam cara untuk menjaga keawetan kayu, paling dianjurkan adalah mengawetkan kayu secara permanen. Tapi, karena rayap bukan hanya suka kayu, tapi juga segala benda yang berselulosa termasuk kain, karpet, kertas dan sejenisnya, maka persoalan penangkalan rayap dirumah ataupun di bangunan menjadi penting untuk dipikirkan secara terintergrasi di dalam proses pembangunannya. Maka berkembanglah pelayanan treatment anti rayap yang ditawarkan oleh berbagai perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pemberantasan hama.
Rayap digolongkan dalam 3 kelompok besar, yaitu:
  1.  Rayap Tanah, bersarang di tanah dan dapat mencapai ketinggian puluhan meter di atas tanah
  2.  Rayap Kayu Kering, bersarang di kayu kering, tidak membutuhkan kontak dengan tanah
  3.  Rayap Kayu Basah, bersarang di kayu basah, tidak membutuhkan kontak dengan tanah

Ada 2 kemungkinan treatment anti rayap dilakukan:
1.       a. Pre-construction (sebelum pembangunan)
Cara ini yang paling ideal, karena treatment anti rayap pada tanah dilaksanakan secara maksimal bersamaan dengan penggalian tanah sebelum memasang pondasi. Secara tradisional bisa dengan menebarkan batu kapur di atas tanah sebelum pondasi di terapkan. Batu kapur dikenal mengeluarkan panas, sehingga menyebabkan serangga menjauh darinya.

2.      b.  Post-construction (sesudah pembangunan)
Cara ini dilakukan karena pemberantasan rayap baru disadari kemudian setelah bangunan dipakai dan terkena rayap
Hal yang paling penting yang perlu diperhatikan dalam treatment anti rayap adalam pemakaian konsentrasi larutan harus sesuai dengan persyaratan yang ditetapkan. Kita harus cermat memilih anti rayap yang larutannya pas dan sesuai.

Tips untuk kamar tidur anda...

Kamar tidur merupakan ruangan yang vital untuk kehidupan kita, karena di ruangan inilah anda dapat beristirahat setelah beraktivitas yang padat...

lalu bagaimanakah caranya menciptakan suasana Kamar Tidur yang nyaman untuk membuat anda dapat lebih rileks dan tenang?

berikut tips dari kami:

1. Warna: warna memegang peranan penting dalam menciptakan suasana yang cozy dalam Kamar tidur anda. Pilihlah warna sesuai dengan warna favorit anda,

atau berikut adalah sedikit masukan dari kami tentang pemilihan warna:
- Dinding: pilihlah warna yang sedikit netral seperti warna tanah dan kayu, tone warnanya netral dan bisa berpadu dengan warna alam lainnya seperti hijau

(warna tumbuhan), hitam/abu-abu (warna batu), atau putih dan biru (warna langit)..perpaduan warna-warna ini akan membantu anda menciptakan suasana

kamar yang indah dan nyaman. Tapi hati-hati ya, jangan sampai terlalu ramai, pilihlah warna yang senada dan maksimal 3 warna dalam kamar anda, ex: coklat,

merah, dan putih untuk aksen. warna yang berlebih akan membuat mata anda terlalu lelah
- furnitur: pilihlah warna kayu asli/finishing plitur atau melamik dengan warna netral atau yang sejenisnya, warna furnitur kayu lebih dirasakan pas dan cocok

untuk dipadu padankan dengan warna-warna lainnya dalam ruangan anda. Tapi anda juga dalam memilih warna-warna yang lebih berani atau warna primer

seperti: putih, merah, biru, hijau atau kuning, asalkan bisa sesuai dengan warna dari dinding kamar anda. misalkan warna dinding kamar anda coklat, maka anda

bisa memadukan warna putih/hitam/abu-abu untuk warna meja anda. Untuk lemari, bila anda takut kurang serasi atau bosan dengan satu warna, sebaiknya

pilihlah warna kayu yang lebih netral.
- aksesories: aksesories atau ornamen dalam ruangan kamar anda dapat membantu terwujudnya ruangan yang lebih mencerminkan karakter anda. biasanya

anda sudah memiliki koleksi mainan atau aneka koleksi lainnya yang merupakan hobi anda. maka anda dapat memajangnya dalam sebuah nakas atau lemari

khusus, tergantung dari seberapa banyak dan macamnya koleksi anda tersebut. kalau koleksi anda warna dan bentuknya hampir serupa, maka anda dapat

mengeksposenya dalam sebuah rak yang menempel di dinding kamar anda...coba deh, pasti lucu...

belum puas?

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salam hangat dari kami

Lingga Setiandi & associates

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Out Of the Box..

Godrej Interio has launched the World's first movable workstation, a collaborative design with Arch Kalhan Mattoo of Plant3studios.
‘Out of the Box' is an award winning idea from IIID-Godrej Innovation 2007, a furniture design competition aimed at encouraging Indian designers to challenge status quo. Godrej Interio design team worked further on the idea to make it a commercial reality and the product was recently launched at the 9th IIID National Convention 2011 in Jaipur.
The workstation was inspired from a Swiss knife, which reveals two functioning workstations; with a concept of 'plug and play', each module comes pre-wired offering mobile flexibility to accommodate various workspace arrangements.
Other features of the product include sufficient storage space, convenient switchboard accessibility and desktop lighting.
"Out of the Box" adalah sebuah karya yang mendapatkan penghargaan dari IIID-Godrej innovation 2007, merupakan sebuah keberanian untuk mendobrak langgam status quo furniture yg ada. 
Terinspirasi dari pisau lipat Swiss, yg memiliki dwifungsi, dimana masing-masing bentuk memiliki kemampuan dan dapat mengakomodasi berbagai kebutuhan yang ada...


Renowned Australian Chef Tetsuya Wakuda brings his culinary vision to restaurant Waku Ghin
The 8,000 sq ft space located at the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore consists of a sake bar/caviar lounge, four teppanyaki rooms, a main dining room, drawing room and support spaces. The space selected for Waku Ghin was squeezed between the established kitchen area and an adjacent restaurant. The resulting design transforms this narrow linkage into a Grand Hall; a promenade connecting distinct programmatic elements.
Sitting on the edge of the casino floor the translucent glass paneled façade hints at the warm lighting and cool forms of the interior. Diners enter the sake bar/caviar lounge and are welcomed by the sinuous walls of the Grand Hall. Manipulated against each other to take advantage of the space's compressed nature, the walls create an elegant gallery which leads to the intimate teppanyaki rooms and the main dining room. A 3,000 bottle wine room, together with another sweeping wall, enfold the main dining space while framing the Singapore skyline.
Hard metallic surfaces reflect the Chef's love for Japanese knife-making and are counterbalanced with warm woods and illuminated flowing silk fabrics. The synthesis of materials was followed through even in the smallest detail; the design of the carpet was inspired by the undulating patterns of folded steel, from one of the knives in the chefs' collection.
The design for Waku Ghin was comprehensive and included the design of light fixtures, furniture, wall coverings and carpets. In addition, the project required an understanding of locally sourced materials including FSC certified woods, rapidly renewable resources and recycled materials. This commitment to sustainability is also emphasised in the furniture and lighting designed for the space.
The architecture of Waku Ghin strives to create a synergy between the Chef's culinary creations and spatial environments; simple materials and ingredients used in unexpected and dynamic ways. (WAN)

Herlev Hospital Extension, Denmark

Henning Larsen Architects designs child-friendly addition to Danish hospital

Danish architecture and design firm Henning Larsen Architects is to embark upon a dramatic extension project at Herlev Hospital after it was awarded first prize in a competition for the scheme. Working with architects Friis & Moltke and Brunsgaard & Laursen, engineers NNE Pharmaplan and Orbicon Leif Hansen, consultants Norconsult and landscape architects SLA, Henning Larsen Architects is to introduce a new emergency department and maternity services centre to the existing hospital tower.
At present Herlev Hospital consists of a single tower block, however the institution believes firmly in the ‘recreational and healing effect of nature’ thus the winning concept comprises a network of individual buildings interspersed with scenic and luxuriant courtyards. Each of these buildings is composed of a circular form on a rectangular platform, adding a new dimension to the formerly uninspiring complex.
Lars Steffensen, Partner at Henning Larsen Architects comments: “Herlev Hospital is a fine example of the functional hospital architecture of the 60’s. However, a lot has changed since then, and we know today that technology only forms part of a good treatment process. The hospital of the future should offer a number of additional qualities. It should provide a worthy and sensuous framework for patients, relatives and employees.”
The welcoming and enveloping nature of the design has been specifically composed with a ‘particular focus on children and their families’ explains Steffensen. He continues: “The fragility that children represent when having to go to hospital requires special care and attention.” By October 2017, patients at Herlev Hospital will be able to make full use of green roof gardens, delicately planted courtyards and peaceful views from their wards as construction is due to commence in May 2014.


 Pinto Lighting Design was part of the design team for this interesting project, a residence + studio inhabited by a family of artists.
Pinto were asked to come up with a lighting scheme that uses the minimum energy possible. In order to achieve this they used the most energy efficient light sources available in the lighting Industry.
Examples are the use of linear fluorescent tubes in coves for ambient lighting, compact fluorescent lamps integrated with decorative lighting and LED sources integrated with downlights for accent lighting or with wall lights for ambient light.
In order to achieve extra gains in energy consumption all the light sources were equipped with high frequency gear and all the equipment was connected to a lighting control system that was programmed so the lights are on only when needed.
Castelo Branco was specially designed for the needs of the inhabitants - two artists with a high sense of aesthetic and interest in the art as a way of knowledge and a landscape with extreme climate between Castelo Branco town and the border with Spain. The site has a small river, land rocks and random vegetation with a unique sense of beauty. There are no trees except beside the river and a cliff dominates the site and allows 360º views.
The complex has an open field like a square that organizes all the spaces - interior, exterior and circulations. Functionally this void is equivalent to a medieval courtyard and is a place of light and shadow, between interior and exterior. The adjacent spaces are fragmented in blocks according to its functionality - from domestic to public including circulations. Volumes are distributed from the north to the south and from public to private, the first volumes seen from the entrance are the public ones that protect the domestic ones.
A narrative with aesthetic and functional objectives reveal a code: volumes that correspond to places to live / work in are grey and appeal to stableness with concrete blocks and steal frame with horizontal lines. On the opposite sense circulations are vibrant and dynamic since they are red, made of steal frames with vertical lines and designed with intricate geometry.
This complementary conjunction of materials and colours reflect the traditional houses of Castelo Branco, where walls are solid and made of grey stone with wooden doors and windows painted red. Red is the best colour to protect interiors from both extreme heat and cold weather due to its chromatic spectrum.
Sustainability is a very important issue and the house is organized in two levels to be integrated in the natural landscape. Majority of compartments face south and are properly shaded to receive natural light and heat in winter. In summer the building stays cool due to the geometry of balconies and louvers that create shadow. Natural transversal ventilation allows natural cooling of the building especially in the summer nights. Thermal mass from concrete walls helps creating a heat battery to prevent from excessive solar radiation in summer and minimizing heat losses from the interior in the winter. Low coast materials and constructive solutions also express sustainability and architecture without waste.
Architecture - Cláudia Melo

Tilang Elektronik Hindari 'Main Mata' Petugas

VIVAnews - Penerapan Elektronik Traffic Law Enforcement (E-TLE) atau tilang elektronik yang diberlakukan Direktorat Lalu Lintas Polda Metro Jaya memiliki peran ganda. Sistem ini akan diberlakukan mulai April 2011.

Menurut Kasubdit Gakkum Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya, Ajun Komisaris Besar Yakub Didi Karyawan, yang disampaikan melalui Traffic Managemen Center (TMC), peran pertama dari sistem ini untuk mendidik masyarakat agar tertib berlalu lintas dan meminimalisir interaksi petugas dengan pelanggar agar tidak terjadi 'main mata', dan mengurangi komplain dari pelanggar.

"Bukan berarti Polri meminimalisir anggotanya untuk turun ke lapangan, justru harus tetap dimaksimalkan. Di lapangan tidak hanya melakukan penegakan hukum," ujarnya.

Peranan kedua adalah akan terjadinya sinergi dengan kebijakan pemerintah mengenai tertib administrasi kendaraan bermotor. Maksudnya, dalam penerapan tilang elektronik ini, akhirnya mengharuskan pemilik kendaraan untuk melapor atau mengonfirmasi jika kendaraannya telah dijual karena surat tilang pelanggar akan dikirimkan ke alamat yang tertera di STNK. Masyarakat dituntut untuk balik nama jika kendaraannya telah dijual.

Sistem ini rencananya akan diterapkan di jalan-jalan protokol di Jakarta mulai April mendatang. Adapun pelanggaran yang ditindak melalui sistem ini adalah pelanggaran lampu merah, stop line, dan yellow box.

"Uji coba e-TLE ini sudah dimulai sejak 24 februari 2011, di traffic light Sarinah. Nantinya tidak hanya di Sarinah, tetapi juga di beberapa titik, seperti Sudirman, Thamrin, dan Kuningan," ujar  Yakub.

Selain kawasan Sarinah, Thamrin, sistem E-TLE juga akan diterapkan di kawasan 3 in 1 lainnya seperti Sudirman, Kuningan dan Gatot Soebroto.

Penerapan di kawasan ini sengaja dilakukan untuk mempersiapkan pemberlakuan sistem Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) yang akan menggantikan sistem 3 in 1 sebagai solusi kemacetan Jakarta.
Lalu seperti apa tilang elektronik ini. Dalam dokumen Operasionalisasi E-TLE yang didapatkan, surat tilang berbasis elektronik itu akan disertai gambar pelanggaran.

Surat tilang itu sama seperti surat tilang seperti biasanya, berwarna merah. Yang membedakannya, lebih lebar. Ini karena ada tempat untuk gambar pelanggaran yang jumlahnya tiga foto.
Di masing-masing gambar pelanggaran itu juga ada kolom autonotifikasi dari penyidik kepolisian. Kolom ini berada di sebelah kanan. Sedangkan sebelah kirinya berisi data pelaku pelanggaran, jenis mobil, lokasi pelanggaran dan aturan yang dilanggar. Atau baca aturan lengkap mengenai sistem E-TLE di sini